Moms With Potty Training Experience Are Natural Entrepreneurs

Ever potty train a toddler or been witness to a friend who has shared that journey with you? It can be rewarding one moment, defeating the next, make you feel like you are rocking the job at hand while still second-guessing every decision you make throughout the process. Managing potty- training progression is incredibly similar to starting and running a business.

Accidents will happen – especially at the beginning

When you are first training your toddler to use the potty, you are essentially re-teaching them a process they’ve done one way and only one way for an extended period of time. There are going to be accidents as they learn a new way to do something and don’t have the maturity to grasp it instantly. This process takes patience, support, and understanding, the same three things you need when starting up a business.

Patience, because success doesn’t just happen overnight, and you will most likely hit some speed bumps along the way. Support, because no one builds a business without encouragement and care from others, especially family members. Understanding, because things are going to happen that weren’t in the plan and you need to be empathetic to outcomes you weren’t expecting or would rather not welcome.

Be willing to adjust – at any time

Are you one of those amazing parents who can potty train their child with the 3-day method? If so, you are a unicorn, and I envy you. We tried to be those parents but found out that our “client” wasn’t ready to adapt to this new norm that quickly. We needed to read the situation and adjust the plan accordingly. The same will happen when you are a business owner. You take the time to conduct market research, create a business plan, and determine your SMARTe goals. Then, imagine something as significant as a pandemic popping up, and your business gets turned upside down.

For example, look at restaurant and gym owners whose businesses were affected during COVID. They had to take their original business plan and their model for making money and adjust. Restaurants are now building their business on outdoor seating, delivery, and takeout. Gyms able to re-open have done so with mask protocols and capacity limitations in certain areas. Those that haven't opened as they had been previously are scheduling one-on-one personal training indoors or outdoor classes to adjust. When things happen that impact your potty-training schedule or business plan, you have to think outside the box and come up with a solution if you want to succeed.

Praise and accountability – always

When you are helping a toddler, it's important to praise them whenever they accomplish something new you are teaching them or hit a milestone on their own. The same can be said for certain milestones in business. Give yourself the praise you deserve, or employees the recognition they deserve, when certain things are accomplished. This is important for building morale and building confidence in yourself and those involved in your business.

On the other side, it’s important to hold those accountable when need be. For a toddler who truly grasps what they’ve learned and gets the concept of potty training, make sure you keep accountability as part of the equation. Now, this is within reason, obviously because they are a toddler. So when they have slip-ups don’t say, “it’s okay,” but instead remind them where they should be going to the potty and encourage them to do that next time, and every time moving forward. As a business owner, call yourself out when needed, and hold employees accountable when a situation presents itself for that to be the case, and move on. Don't dwell on negative situations or experiences; find a solution, and get yourself there.

There are ups and downs when managing potty training or starting and maintaining a business. But at the end of the day, the goals for both are the same. Don't make a mess, adjust accordingly to find success, and celebrate wins whenever possible.

Any tips for potty training parents or future entrepreneurs? Share your thoughts by commenting below and check out 4 Ways to Start a Successful Business During a Down Economy.


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